Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Toby: 6 months

6 months was one of my favorite stages with Piper and it's no different with Toby! With Christmas whirling by and New Years upon us its been a bit crazy around here lately but he has been taking it all in with ease!

 Whats new this month?

 He's sitting up! Yay! Now I can leave him with a bunch of toys and he's content for a while! That is until big sis steals his toys or pushes him over :( we are working on that! She also loves to give him hugs and kisses which can unintentionally knock him over :)

 We've started him on solids. Somedays he's all into it, other days he wants nothing to do with it. I just keep trying, hopefully it will catch on soon! I think he's inherited my sweet tooth.

 He's on a pretty solid 3 naps a day schedule and has been doing really great with that. He's eating about every 3-4 hours, 4-6oz a feeding. At night he is usually sleeping from 7 to 7 with a feeding around 3 or 4 in the morning. I'm hoping to get him off that soon, this momma's excited for some full nights sleep hopefully soon!

 His hair continues to grow and his eyes are still very blue! He is such a sweetie, and so squeezable. Love him so much!

 We are excited to celebrate big sisters second birthday soon, and I'm hoping to start off the new year with some more disciple and routine in our lives. This past year has been a crazy one with a lot of chaos and disorganization but looking forward to new starts in the new year. More about that in another post! Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

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