Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Naked Moose Committee...

What is The Naked Moose Committee?  That's a great question :D (too see someone who says that line well click here and watch at 0:21 sec into the clip!)

Well... we are a group of devoted Nxtbooker's, myself included, bringing innovation to our company one step at a time!  More specifically we are one of the many innovation groups at Nxtbook, our focus being to improve our internal communication and to make sure people are working in their strengths!  To brag a little on my company we were voted the Best Place to Work in PA last year and one of the reasons that is true is because the partners allow us time out of our busy schedules to innovate and come up with ideas on how to make us better as a company and how to make our product better.

Enough about that... so where did the name come from you ask?  That's another great question!  ( click here again 0:25 )

To be honest I don't remember where exactly it originated, somewhere in the midst of brainstorming we might have gone on a rabbit trail and started talking about starting a cafe and what some cool names would be...

Nonetheless... the real reason for this post is to show you our latest project built by one of our trusty leaders Jim Lewis (Nxtbook Controller a.k.a. CFO a.k.a. The Bald Guy)  and designed and drawn by myself! 

We took a survey of all of our fellow coworkers to see what areas they were talented in and what skills they specifically thought would be beneficial to helping the company move forward.  We then took that information broke it down into categories and came up with a way to display it artistically.  This board is now affectionately know as "The Square Up There" (located on our 2nd floor) and is also accompanied by two cork boards on either side that will hold internal community news!

Its exciting to see the process this went through from beginning to end and I'm excited to be able to be a part of it!  Here are a few more pictures of the different stages it went through to get to completion!

The original sketch

The progress as I worked!

Kudos to my team and Jim, I think we did an awesome job!  It was definitely a lot of fun to work on and I think it turned out great!

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