Friday, November 4, 2016

Some of my Young Living Favorites

I've had the privilege of using essential oils for a little over two and half years now, and I've gotten to really start trying out Young Living products over the last year.  I thought it would be fun to do a little roundup of some of the products I've tried an loved! This is obviously not comprehensive, and these are only products that I have tried... I've heard some great recommendations about other stuff that is on my list to try out!  

This oil!  Can't say enough of good stuff about it!  If you've ever been curious you should definitely give it a try.  Whenever I have a tickle in my throat I put a drop of thieves in a glass of water and it clears it up overnight!  Last fall and winter I whipped up a big batch of thieves diluted in coconut oil for the kids and we put it on their feet every night before bed.  We got through most of the winter without any sickness!  Actually the only time they got sick is when we got lazy and forgot to apply it for a couple of days! It also smells wonderful.  Like fall :)  I love having this in the diffuser this time of year because it smells so festive!

We loved thieves so much we thought why not try out the toothpaste!  The tube seriously lasted forever.  I kept thinking there is no way there is still more in there but it kept coming!  Its a bit different than traditional toothpaste, it actually is much closer to the earthpaste brand if you've ever used that.

Just today I saw a video on facebook about two girls who did a science fair project testing Thieves against Lysol and Bleach, and it came out the winner by far!  This cleaner is great, I love using it on my counters and not having to worry about what chemicals I'm spreading around.  It also worked well when Toby had the stomach bug a month or two ago cleaning up the carpet and other areas that got a little dirty :)  

So I realized after I posted this picture that I have not actually tried out the cough drops yet, they were a new item released this year, but I have the hard lozenges and LOVE them!  Same as with the thieves oil, if I feel like I'm coming down with something but I'm on the go or just don't feel like doing the thieves in water, I grab a hard lozenge and it works the same!  Pop one in my mouth and it nips it in the bud. They taste great too! 

I just ordered this for the first time two months ago since 3rd trimester pregnancy is getting the best of me!  These are so great for a nice pick me up that isn't laced with chemicals!  So nice to have on hand, or when your on the run.  I'm pretty sure I'm packing these for labor and delivery as well!

6. NingXia Red
I've heard so many good things about this drink that I decided to give it a try.  A local doula has had pregnant women drinking this throughout their pregnancies and has seen some of the healthiest, largest placenta's she's ever seen!  I haven't been drinking it consistently every day, because some days I forget, but I'm excited to see if this holds true for me :)  I can also tell when I haven't had my shot for the day, I can see a difference in my energy levels. The kids also love it!

7. Dew Drop Diffuser
If you are going to use essential oils, a diffuser is just a must have!  Lately I've been diffusing a lot of Thieves and Lemon, that combination is probably my go to!  Lavender and Cedarwood are my go to in the evenings.  Peppermint and Orange or Grapefruit, just smells amazing!  I could probably go on forever, but I also like tyring to mix new things together and see what I like!

8. Life 9 or Life 5
My gut health is not the best so I've been looking for a good probiotic.  I've been using Life 5 for a while and really like it.  Just this month I ordered their newly realeased Life 9 probiotic with 9 different probiotic strains!  I'm excited to give it a try!

9. ClaraDerm Spray
I got this product on recommendation from the same doula I mentioned above.  She has seen great success with applying this spray before delivery and having momma's give birth without tearing!  I'll keep you posted once this baby comes!  This has also worked well for me with poison ivy and mosquito bites.  I randomly got poison ivy this year for the first time in years and years, and this was my go to to help reduce iritation.  I'll also point out I made a bug bite relief roller ball this year for the summer that included Purification Essential Oil Blend and Lavender and that also works like a charm!  (if you want the recipe let me know) I get bit so often in the summer and the bites just hang around forever, this has by far been the best treatment I've used!

10. Peppermint and Tea Tree Essential Oils
We live on a farm and we have bugs in our house all the time!  Especially in the winter and spring they come out in full force!  Peppermint and Tea Tree oils have been my lifesavers! Putting a couple drops of one or both on a cotton ball and wiping down windows, doors, baseboards, you name it, has helped so much with bug control!

11. Lavender Essential Oil
I really love this oil! I already mentioned using this in my bug bite relief blend, but it has so many great uses!  I love using this at night to help wind down, or if I'm feeling stressed.  Love this with bath salts, it is so relaxing! Its also great with any type of skin irritation.  The kids know to ask for lavender whenever they get a boo boo :)

12. Gary's True Grit Einkorn Flour
If you haven't heard much about Einkorn flour you should do some research, this video is very interesting. I've baked with this and its amazing how different I feel after eating baked goods with Einkorn flour that traditional flour.  I will probably always have this stocked in my pantry!

13. Gary's True Grit Einkorn Pancake and Waffle Mix
We loved the Einkorn flour so naturally we had to try the waffle and pancake mix! This is also great although the pancakes turned out a bit thin.  I found if I mix it and let it sit for a while or mix it the night before the results are better!

14. Gary's True Grit Einkorn Granola
SO GOOD!  This has been out of stock for a while, understandably!  Its really good!  Just try it!

15. Einkorn Rotini Pasta and Einkorn Spaghetti
We don't eat a ton of pasta anymore, but when we do I either do a rice pasta or einkorn!  Einkorn actually tastes more like traditional pasta than the rice, it has a nice texture, and also doesn't leave you feeling horrible or bloated afterward like traditional pasta!  If I ever need some extra items to fill out my order this is my go to!

16. Lavender and Stress Away Essential Oil
So this is the third time I've mentioned lavender... must love it or something?! :) It just works so well, and alongside stress away... even better! I love the smell of Stress Away, sometimes I put it on as a perfume.  A couple weeks ago I was really stressed out, we had a lot going on, my schedule was full and there wasn't going to be a break for a little bit.  I was sitting on the couch after putting the kids to bed and I just couldn't calm down.  My heart rate felt high and my breath a little short.  I thought laying down would help but it didn't, I grabbed some stress away and within a half hour things were back to normal!  Such a relief.

17. Orange Blossom Facial Wash
Did you know Young Living has a whole essential oil infused skin care line?!  These products are on my list of things to try out, but I started out with the facial wash!  Its a little pricey for the amount of product you are getting but this little bottle has seriously lasted me forever!  I keep this in my shower and use it to wash my face so I don't use it every day but it's not empty yet and I got it February!  Its a nice a light face wash, it takes off my makeup well, and I love that it has oils in it that are conditioning my skin as well!

18. Satin Facial Scrub Mint
This scrub is awesome!  It leaves your face feeling so minty fresh!  You just have to try it, it's such a nice "wake up" for my skin in the morning!

There are a lot of oils and products that I did not talk about on this roundup that I use a love, but I had to cut it off at some point!  There is also a lot of good information out there about some of these products specifically the Thieves and Ningxia Red products that I didn't go into depth about, but if you do your own research you can find out a lot!

I love talking about oils so if you have a question about something let me know!

Until next time...

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