Thursday, August 28, 2014

Piper : 18 Months

This girl, I can't get enough of her!  After a seven month hiatus its about time to give an update.  This is her 18 month update but actually she is 19 1/2 months old... shows how on top of things I am these days! Through all of the transitions we have gone through in the last couple months (moving, baby, new job) she has thoroughly impressed me. What a trooper, and she did it all without even blinking!

I'm absolutely loving this stage with Piper, she is such a vivacious, energetic bundle of joy! It seems as if she learns something new everyday, and is continuously making us laugh.

This is whats up in Pipers world these days:

-Talking, talking, talking!  For the most part I can understand the majority of what she is saying.  Occasionally she will still babble but there are a lot of real words in there now.  Her new thing is asking "whats this?" about everything!  I'm surprised at how quickly she has been picking up new words. 

-She takes the occasional interest in Toby, or "Boty," as she calls him.  She will walk up to him and say "HIeee" in and high pitched voice, and sometimes give him kisses!  Can't wait until he is a bit older and they can interact more!

-She copies everything mommy does with Toby!  I find her teddy bears in the swing, on the changing table, under his play gym...etc  So cute!

-Currently pushing through 4 new teeth, to put the total up to 14! 

-If there is something to climb she will find it.  I'm constantly telling her to get off the table. The kitchen table that is!  She knows how to drag the chairs around and climb up them and onto the table. Yesterday I caught her trying to get her leg over her crib! *yikes* hoping that will not stick, not quite ready for that yet.

-She loves running around outside, collecting stones, flowers (weeds),  or smelling the flowers!

-Shes a champ at puzzel's and still loves to read.

-Her favorite game is playing hide and seek with her aunts, uncles, or cousins. They do the hiding she does the seeking and its always a guarantee to end in a fit of giggle's.

-If you put water in front of her she would be content for hours. 

That's all I can think of at the moment.  Now for some more pictures!  Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl! So much JOY in her face! :)
