Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Its a....


Yup that's right, we're having a boy!  We are super excited!!  You can read my last post here with our pregnancy announcement.  I am currently 24 weeks along with this pregnancy, and so far it has been a great pregnancy.  People have been asking me if I've noticed any differences between pregnancy's since most sources will tell you that you feel and carry different when having a boy verses a girl, but to be honest I really haven't felt much difference at all. My first trimester may have been slightly worse than last, with more nausea and tiredness, but that could also be because I'm chasing after a 1year old as well! Occasionally I'd almost forget that I'm pregnant because I really have felt great. Within the last two weeks I've definitely popped, and I'm starting to feel it in my lower back and hips a lot.  Guess its time to go back to the chiropractor. 

Picture time!

To be honest I can't believe I'm posting this picture because I totally look like I'm half asleep, it's mostly my fault though. I asked my husband to snap a pic while he was on his way out the door for work! haha

At this point I'm ready to start getting things in place and ready for the baby, but since we are moving it means the opposite is happening!  I try not to think about it but we still have a lot to get done before baby comes.  Lots of transition and change but its all good things, so I'm excited and only slightly overwhelmed!  If you think about it, prayers would be appreciated. We have to get a second nursery set up once we move since I don't want to be moving Piper out of her crib so soon, but knowing the gender this time around I'm getting really excited about decorating and picking out fun pieces!  I already have one or two little projects in mind that I want to get started on, I'll be sure to share them once they are finished!  

That's all for now!  I'll be sure to share more as the pregnancy progresses, and of course keep you updated on all the moving adventures! 


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